No Licenses Available message occurs when you have deleted the app and reinstall it. It can also happen if you try to log into a different iPad other than the one originally set up or if there is a weak Wi-Fi signal. If you have not deleted the app and reinstall it try a hard reboot of the iPad and then try turning off the Wi-Fi on the iPad. To hard reboot just hold the two buttons down simultaneously for 20 seconds. Try logging in. If you did delete the app you will need to deactivate the iPad here is the instructions on how to do that. All the best.
1.) Log into your cloud by using a browser to go
2.) Click “Sign In” at the top and then enter your Username and Password to log in.
3.) Once in…click “View Registered Devices” on the left.
4.) On the far right, click “Manage Device” and then select “Deactivate Device”
5.) It will ask you if you are sure you want to deactivate…say yes.
By doing this you are clearing out the device ID associated with the app you are going to delete. This allows you to now download a new free copy of the Spark Pro app and then log in. Once you log into the new app…a device number will be loaded to your cloud for that app.
This happens when the password or the email associated with the account are mistyped. Try retyping it. The iPad will need to be connected to the internet the first time you log in or when you change your password and log in for the first time. After that the password is stored locally on the iPad. Sometime a hard reboot of the iPad can resolve this issue.
To perform a hard reboot and clear all apps running in the background simple hold the main home button down and the button on top together for 30 secs. Then press the top button again and the iPad will restart. Try starting Spark Motion up again.
Unlock the ipad image rotation feature on the home screen. To do this use the iPad screen unlock feature and make sure when you rotate the iPad the image rights its self. Then open up the spark motion app and open filming screen. Rotate the iPad until the image is righted in the screen and then lock the iPad screen.